September 2024 Grant Recipients

Special Education Classroom Library
Karen Embleton - Filer Intermediate School, Filer

Hands-on Math Madness
Jennifer Miller - Parkridge Elementary School, Nampa

Storybook STEM Design Center
Allyson Maynard - Future Public School, Garden City

Tabletop Loop Station for use in General Music Class
David Gabbard - Hillsdale Elementary School, Meridian

Math Magnets for Hands on Learning
Holly Clark - Chaparral Elementary School, Meridian

New Safe and Reliable Headphones
Savanna Williamson - Pioneer Elementary School, Preston
I would like to get new, lightweight, and colorful headphones for computer use in my classroom. The headphones we have now are bulky and heavy for 1st graders. They are old and unreliable. Many short out and won't work unless the cord is in just the right spot. Several have cracks in the cord, exposing the wiring. New headphones will eliminate these problems and the waste of time spent trying to make the old headphones work.

Physics in Motion: Hands-On Experiments with LabQuest
Jeffers Erickson - Innovate Academy Preparatory School, Eagle

Funding for Classroom Models in Anatomy and Forensics Education
Scott McFarland - Centennial High School, Boise

Idaho Veteran's Project Gratitude
Michelle Sonnen - Pinecrest Academy Lewiston, Lewiston
The Idaho Veteran's Gratitude Project will help 3rd-grade students understand what a veteran is and the history of Veteran's Day. Students will gain knowledge and practical application of gratitude in action by reading about the US military and the different branches. The students will express their opinions and feelings and develop their empathy and gratitude through writing, performing, and public speaking, a patriotic program performed for their school, the local Veteran's Home, and the State VFW on Veteran's Day 2024.